OK This summer challenge is finally over and I mat a lot of people. some that like me some that hate me, but most important I'm proud of me. For the simple fact this is the most work I have ever seen and my life at one work site, but I'm not proud of myself cause of that. What I'm proud about is that this whole summer I never cried about doing something, nor argue to somebody about doing something. I just did it and I did it at my best of my ability, In not only did i feel proud about it, it turned out that others was proud about it. That is why I love Harlem Live cause it show me another side of me that I never saw before and that is that I'm a hard Successful worker, what ever I do and put my all in, I got to come out a champion (r u hearing wat im sayyyyyyiiiing!!!!!!!). It is very very important though that I stay in touch with my fellow team mates/ bothers and sisters cause we all fight with all argue but at the end of the day we came back together and remind a family. Even the new addition to the family, the new born we like to call him baby moe. HAHAHAHAHAHA. But everybody did there thing this summer it just that a always got to announces the best when I see the best. So ladies and gentleman please but your hands together for the best of the best my wonderful leaders from Hasha Gure:::::: Raven Roberson, Dayrel Bonds, Manuel Blue, Mary miles, Darrell Alston jr. and Jose rodgrrrrreeeeee....... you ll know what I'm try spell and baby moe. We all are not just no team we are the dream team and if this team stay together with complements from the other teams we would be the crazy team 4 real
(tear drop moment) Ladies and gentleman when I say this last thing please hold back all your tears. I wrote all of this just to say I love everybody and let this not be the end but anew beginning (now the real serious tears is going to coming) Chris is out lata